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Jan 31, 2017

NEW Insight: Train of Thought and Planning

NEW Insight: Train of Thought and Planning

Our new Train of Thought Insight is a deep-dive into how users route trains and how that affects overall performance on the game. Train of Thought is our most popular game across the board, so we wanted to give our users a richer game experience with an actionable analysis of their training.

When we started developing our Train of Thought Insight, our data science team recommended that the Insight focus on planning skills. Here, planning refers to your ability to think ahead and direct trains accordingly, rather than taking the game one train at a time. In their analyses, our data scientists found that planning skills are directly correlated with overall game score on Train of Thought.

Subscribers can unlock the new Insight after playing Train of Thought eight times. The Insight will analyze your gameplay and tell you how strong your Train of Thought planning skills are, as well as how they compare to other users. The Insight also includes a more in-depth look at what we mean by planning and tips for how you can plan more efficiently to raise your scores the next time you play. The Insight updates in near real-time, so you’ll be able to test different tactics and get immediate feedback, too.

During their analyses, the data science team observed some other interesting trends in our Train of Thought data. For instance, the team noticed that, overall, women are better planners than men — their analyses showed that the difference was small, but statistically reliable. They also analyzed how efficient people are by counting the rate of redundant, unhelpful actions in the game. Although overall efficiency is very high — over 90% on average — women held a significant edge over men here as well. It remains to be seen whether results like this one will also generalize to other games, but the data science team looks forward to conducting similar analyses for our other games.

We launched Lumosity Insights in November to provide our subscribers with an in-depth look at their gameplay and training patterns. Our goal with Insights is to make Lumosity training more personal and engaging through data, or as our CEO explained, “Our cognitive Insights aim to be the smart coach who has analyzed your gameplay across time and can offer you better input and direction each time you play.” At launch, we released three Insights: Game Strengths, Monthly Gains and Drops, and a speed versus accuracy analysis for Ebb and Flow.

Subscribers can find Lumosity Insights, including the new Train of Thought Insight, at both lumosity.com and in the latest versions of our iOS and Android apps — make sure to update your app to get started.

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